Anne and I decided to eschew the big box stores and do some creative things for Christmas gifts--Anne felted soap, made liquid soap, and baked cookies, and we both worked to create this cooking guide, entitled Savor: Natural, simple, healthy.
It's a little book filled with tips about really easy ways to prepare fresh food, and lots of photos to whet your appetite.
If you click on the picture to the left, you'll be taken to the website of Blurb, which printed the book. You can click through the first 15 pages and get a taste. And if you like, you can order one!
It was a fun and relatively easy project, and we were thrilled with the quality of the photos and with the book as a whole. If you ever want to make your own book, you can just use their free software, your own photos, and their page templates, and hey, presto! You've made a book! And if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I'll walk you through the process.